Laughing when I look in the mirror:
I’d never get away with that in an office. And once upon a time I’d never let that happen, period. But some days… whatever.
When Lexi saw my hair she told me Abby would laugh at me when she came home. Then Lexi ruffled my hair and walked away.
Now we’re a family of five.
I’m now rocking a mohawk and a soulpatch for charity: water. Christopher Turner had the winning ( and only) donation in my ill-advised Haircut for Charity campaign. Some folks commented that sacrificing my hair for charity is kind of played out. Probably. But it’s still fun. And we gave people some clean water.
So $100 for charity: water, clean water for more people and a new ‘do for me. Everybody wins.
My wife hates it. I kinda like it.
You can donate here to support my charity: water campaign and help build a well in Ethiopia. So far we’ve raised $1,914. You can help us get to $5,000. Thanks!
Oh, and this is the first time in at least three years that I’ve had a real haircut.
Way back in June we did a family photo shoot with Barbara O’Brien at her White Robin Farm in Wisconsin. It was a beautiful drive out there (I think I missed a turn and took a longer, more scenic detour) and we had a lot of fun doing a relaxed, non-studio family photo shoot. And I finally got around to posting the pictures: Check ’em out.
When we pulled up and got out of the car Lexi was all excited about the few cats milling about the yard. Then Barbara started calling the cats and they just started pouring out of the barn. She has at least 25 cats, and most of them came when she started calling.
In addition to the cats, Lexi chased the chickens, fed the horses and held a baby duck (she also manhandled the kittens and baby chicks). We got to run around, have some fun and the whole time Barbara took lots of pictures.
We highly recommend it.
A work-at-home dad wrestles with faith, social justice & story.