Politics can be divisive and depressing. What happened to hope? This new book celebrates encouraging stories of common ground.
(Print & digital are available at both shops. Etsy has PDF/epub and signed print copies—plus additional swag.)
Too often, politics feels like a battleground where we lob accusations back and forth and the other side is evil. Politics have long been divisive and people will always disagree. But we can restore civility and even joy to the process. It starts by looking beyond partisan divisions and finding something to celebrate in other people, no matter their party.
This project explores 35 public figures from across the political spectrum who seek common ground. This is a small step toward better politics to inspire each of us to take action.
If we want to make civic engagement civil, it starts with we the people.
Featuring nine illustrations by artist Carolyn Swiszcz:
“We need a revival of civic grace.”
-U.S. Senator Cory Booker
Read a sample of Better Politics, Please:
- U.S. Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler: “If you spend all your time sowing discord, that’s what you’re going to reap.” Read more >>
- North Dakota State Representative Ruth Buffalo: “I was never raised to see party lines. We’re all related, we’re all on the same team, we’re all human beings.” Read more >>
- Brooklyn Park, Minn., Mayor Jeff Lunde: “The national dialogue, the rhetoric on both sides drives me absolutely crazy. That’s not how we do things in Brooklyn Park. We actually talk and listen.” Read more >>
“We can disagree without being disagreeable.”
-Erin Stewart, Mayor of New Britain, Conn.
Spread the Word
Fear and division are a lot more viral than hope and common ground. So we need your help to spread the word. Grab some social graphics and tell your friends.
How Do We Create Better Politics?
Better Politics, Please is just a book, but it can be more. It can be a movement encouraging a more productive and civil form of politics. But how do we get there? That’s the question.
I envision either a crowd of supporters willing to fund it or an organization(s) coming together to build something.
But let’s start simple. Let’s connect on Facebook and start some conversations—hopefully ones that don’t make you pull your hair out.
The Creators
About the Author:
Kevin D. Hendricks lives in West St. Paul, Minn., with his wife and two kids. He runs his own freelance writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere, and runs the hyper-local news site West St. Paul Reader.
About the Illustrator:
Carolyn Swiszcz lives in West St. Paul, Minn., with her husband and daughter. Primarily a painter-printmaker, she also makes illustrations and publishes a zine, Zebra Cat Zebra.
This project was made possible by nearly 120 supporters on Kickstarter. Thank you.
Download the press release for full details and contact info.