I’ve been trying to raise $5,000 to build a clean water well in Ethiopia through charity: water.
We’ve raised $580 from sales of Addition by Adoption.
Another $2,275 has come in from direct donations.
But we need another $2,146. And I’d like to raise it by Sept. 30.
charity: water puts a limit on how long these campaigns can go on, and I’ve already extended this campaign twice. I want to get this money to the field as soon as possible. So let’s build that well!
Of course raising $2,146 in 15 days is no easy feat. I can’t do it alone. I need your help. Will you help me spread the word?
I’ve learned that’s the most important thing. I can’t do it alone. Most of my friends already know about this. But your friends don’t. My friend Julia proved how true that is by raising nearly $800 for this campaign in one week. I couldn’t do that—but Julia could. Can you help me out like that?
Here’s How You Can Help
Post this to your blog, Facebook or e-mail it to your friends and family:
Help my friend Kevin build a well in Ethiopia. Clean water=life. He needs to raise $2,146 by Sept. 30. You can help:
- Make a donation to charity: water. Any amount helps.
http://mycharitywater.org/addition- Buy a copy of his book, Addition by Adoption:
- $9.99 from Amazon ($2 goes to charity: water)
http://ow.ly/1Hwzk- $20 from Kevin (shipping included, $12 goes to charity: water)
You can post this to Twitter:
Help @kevinhendricks build a well in Ethiopia. Clean water=life. He needs to raise $2,146 by Sept. 30. Donate: http://ow.ly/2EEWm
Every little bit helps. Thanks.