Heart in the window with Wentworth Library in the background.

7 Stories in 5 Days

So it’s been a long week. Yeah, there was that whole political tsunami on Sunday. Feels like an eon since then. (And the energy… feels like it’s only ramped up since then, for what it’s worth.) But I’m more talking about locally and my reporting with West St. Paul Reader.

This week we ran seven stories in five days.

Multiple stories that we broke and some exclusives. It’s big stuff like a long-time restaurant leaving and a 115-year-old historic mansion torn down, and what should have been simpler stories like a library renovation—that some how drew the ire of anti-library trolls (BTW, did an update on that story Friday night, because book nerds love library plans!).

It’s been a lot.

Couldn’t do it without the 290+ members who support West St. Paul Reader. Thank you.

And couldn’t do it without my intern, Megan Noggle, who wrote three of those seven stories (she’s supposed to do one story a week). Thank you.

West St. Paul Reader is a part-time job. We’re member supported, and that support does not equal a full time paycheck. Though I put in work that’s closer to full time (like going to the library just before they close to get those redesign plans). And we gave Megan a paid internship, because people should be paid.

Local news needs more support. Not just here, but everywhere. And we need more support. I’ve been doing this for five years. It’s working. We’re making a huge impact. But it’s still part time.

All this work is about informing our community:

  • Not wild speculation on Facebook.
  • Not opinion masquerading as fact.
  • Not hidden behind a paywall.

Being informed about your neighborhood. What a concept.

So support local news. Pitch in a few bucks. Subscribe.

If you’re here in West St. Paul, I hope you’ll consider becoming a member. It starts at just $3 per month. We’re working hard to keep you informed, and we need your support.

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