Talking Church Comm on the Social Media Church Podcast

I appeared on the Social Media Church podcast this week talking with host DJ Chuang about church communication. The conversation started with my work on Church Marketing Sucks and how it got started nearly 10 years ago.

The anniversary of the first blog post is coming up in July and the initial idea actually came about this month. Whenever I stop to think that I’ve been working on Church Marketing Sucks for a decade I’m just blown away. That’s a dinosaur in Internet years. To be at the helm from the very beginning, to still be doing it and still loving it—I’m incredibly thankful.

The conversation continues into a bunch of church communication topics, including the evolution of social media, the role of communication directors, multiple channels, announcements and more. If that’s your zone, check it out.

And you’ll have to forgive my frequent use of “um”—I’m a writer, not a speaker. Though it’s something I know I need to work on.

Here are a few quotes to give you a taste:

“People of faith, all throughout history, have stepped into these technological advances and said how can we use this to share this gospel? How is this part of our lives and how can we take the gospel wherever we go?”

“It’s a lot of work to do and you need to know how to write and how to navigate the Internet and they’re kind of specialized skills. A lot of pastors have the theological training, but they don’t teach you how to build a website in seminary. They don’t teach you how to use a Twitter account. They don’t teach how to use a lot of these tools, so a lot of these pastors just don’t know.”

So go listen to DJ Chuang and the Social Media Church podcast.

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