Another Obsessive U2 Post

In case you’ve missed one of the umpteen posts on this site, U2’s How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb comes out next week. Until then the album is being played on radio stations in its entirety and streamed online. has the exclusive for now (it requires a slow, arduous registration process), though VH1 and MTV are supposed to be streaming it later today.

Though MTV takes the approach of not mentioning it anywhere on its site while VH1 hypes it with ever changing text, first “You can listen to the band’s new disc right here on Tuesday,” and now “… right here this afternoon.” I can’t help but wonder what this says about the two former music video channels. Something about one being entirely too hip and the other trying way too hard.

UPDATE: Both MTV and VH1 are streaming the album now but they’re both PC only. Rather ironic considering the band’s close relationship with Apple. is the place to go for Mac users, and it has the added bonus of the extra track “Fast Cars,” which is included on every version of the album except the U.S. release.

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