NaNoWriMo Anyone?

So where’s all the wannabe literary snobs? I throw down the 30-day novel writing gauntlet and get only one taker (you rock, Jaime!). I had more interest when I proposed writing a novel in 58 hours.

What’s the deal folks? Too busy? Too intimidated? Think it sounds crazy? C’mon. It doesn’t even have to be a novel (well, for the official NaNoWriMo it needs to be, but have your own little National Nonfiction Writing Month), tackle that nonfiction book you’ve been contemplating. The whole idea is to give yourself a realistic deadline you can work towards. That’s always been my problem. I always want to write a book, but with no deadline that forces me to sit down every day (or come on, once a week?) it just never happens. But you’ve still got time to join the party.

Just don’t leave me hangin’ guys.

In related enticement, NaNoWriMo has made some official t-shirts available for the event. Though I’m not too impressed with the designs. I’ll probably make my own (II’d love to see some designs from others).

And I picked up some gloves today, which will soon become miserly writing gloves. I know that sounds incredibly ridiculous, but it’s all mental. And at two pair for $1.50, they actually feel miserly.

7 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo Anyone?”

  1. I’m mulling it over. I have an idea for what I think will be a book length nonfiction piece. I also have a novel in mind, and my great american novel made up of short stories is always banging around. Choices, choices. I’ll have to check this thing out and see if I can do it, or do you want to do a contest on the side for those of us a bit less committed?

  2. Well Neals, I’m committed to NaNoWriMo, but would be incredibly supportive if you wanted to do a less-committed (read: wussy) version on the side.

    And Tim, January or November, whatever. Just do it. I think you have a great novel in you, but at your current rate of busyness it’ll never come out until you’re dead. Just commit to it and forsake some football and Buffy watching. That’s what I’m looking at (though somewhat conveniently, I think the final season of Angel reruns on TNT will finish up at the end of October).

  3. I’m game to try again. The 58 hour novel never went anywhere so why not. Despite the fact that I’m in a poetry class right now and doing any number of other side projects I say, “Impossible projects are the only sort to attempt!”

    Also, for all you nonfiction folks out there. Write your non-fiction….then use search and replace to suitably adjust all the proper nouns and voila! you have a novel. I kid you not. (Apologies to Dave Eggers).

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