Accidental Unplugging

It’s been a busy week:

  • 90 books showed up on my doorstep last Thursday.
  • A minute later we left to pick up Grandma at the airport.
  • We had adoption classes all day Friday and Saturday.
  • Sunday our Internet died. Not a big deal on Sunday, but crippling for work on Monday and today.
  • Dropped off two huge boxes of pre-order books at the post office on Monday.
  • Monday night we had more adoption class.

We’re still processing the adoption classes. It’s a pretty overwhelming nearly 20 hours of class. What I think is amazing is that we already went through maybe a dozen hours of classes for our first adoption and very little of it was repeated.

And trying to work without the Internet has been crippling the past two days. I certainly don’t require the Internet to write, but it’s amazing how much work requires Internet access in some way or another. I need to access documents or conversations or e-mails or something and it’s all online. Yesterday I was getting ready to leave the coffee shop to head home and I spent at least five minutes paralyzed, trying to figure out if I had done everything I needed to, trying to remember what else I had to check. It’s kind of embarrassing, really. I don’t like being that addicted to or reliant on the web.

Last night I sat in my car outside a closed coffee shop usurping their wifi. At least until the cops rolled by shining their spotlights in my face. I’m not sure if they were actually there for me, but I didn’t stick around to find out.

Today with both kids and no babysitters I had to give up on Internet access. I spent my morning filling out paperwork, writing thank yous, clearing off my desk, cleaning the kitchen and fixing the toilet. I even had to call a client on the phone.

Thankfully Comcast got things fixed this afternoon and I’ve been frantically working since.

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