Tag Archives: smokestack

Demolition of the High Bridge Power Plant Smokestack

Earlier this week I talked about the demolition of the High Bridge Power Plant smokestack. Well, today was the day.

Smokestack go boom.

You can check out my before and after pictures, but the real excitement is the video. I missed the opening blast, but it took plenty of time for the 570-foot smokestack to fall. Lots of folks showed up for the demolition, and a lot of us on the High Bridge had to get out of the way of the coming dust. I think I got some smokestack in my eye. The bridge shook with the initial explosion, but the final thud of the smokestack hitting the ground was wild.

Demolition of the High Bridge Power Plant Smokestack from kevinhendricks on Vimeo.

Both Bob Collins’ News Cut blog and Teresa Boardman’s real estate blog have coverage.