I think perhaps Austin Kleon has reduced my book on reading down to 33 quick points. My book was pretty short anyway, but if you’re too busy for that, Austin’s version will work.
Austin Kleon is the creative mind behind Steal Like an Artist and Show Your Work!—both are good kick-in-the-pants books for creatives.
I can really get behind his points:
1. I will make time for reading, the way I make time for meals, or brushing my teeth.
4. I will read whatever the hell I feel like.
20. When I find an author I truly adore, an author who makes my gutstrings vibrate, I will read everything they have written. Then I will read everything that they read.
21. If I hate a book, I will keep my mouth shut.
Some of it is advice I’ve had a hard time following (though it’s still in my book):
8. I will not finish books I don’t like.
But this past week I really put it into practice. If a book isn’t doing it for you, move on. No obligations. I quit about four books in a row last week before finally settling on one I liked.
And I’ll let it go that some sound like he’s quoting me (steal like an artist), because it’s the best advice ever:
2. I will make an effort to carry a book with me at all times.
24. I will keep stacks of unread books at the ready.
25. The minute I finish a book, I will start a new one.
It’s a fun little post on reading. If you want to go deeper, you can check out my book, but this probably has you covered.