Today’s the day: My book is now available on
Why should you buy a copy?
Fair question. Let’s see…
- It’s funny. But don’t take my word for it—most of these people said it was funny (some actually called it “hilarious”).
- It’s inspirational. Again, not my words.
- It’s short. At only 82 pages and comprised of 140-character updates, this one isn’t going to take you long to finish.
- It makes Twitter useful. Lots of people like to make fun of Twitter and joke about how useless it is. This book is proof positive of the usefulness of Twitter.
- It’s for a good cause. A portion of the proceeds will go to build a well in Ethiopia through charity: water. We’ve already raised $276 for clean water, but we have a long way to go to reach our $5,000 goal.
- Then I can shut up about it.
So check out Addition by Adoption: Kids, Causes & 140 Characters. Buy one for your mom.
Let me add a big thank you. There are so many people who have made this book possible, from my hilarious kids to my lovely wife to my friends who helped create the book and became my marketing team. It’s humbling to see the responses pour in over e-mail, Twitter and Facebook. Thank you.
(And if you’d like to help spread the word, I’ll be your friend!)