I Have an E-mail Newsletter?

I’ve been toying with this idea for a while, but I finally got it together and started an e-mail newsletter. You can subscribe here! I plan to send infrequent updates about some of my crazy projects. I promise you won’t get inundated with garbage and I won’t send you forwards from Nigeria. Unless they’re really good.

I have several methods of keeping people updated, from the very frequent (Twitter) to the kind of frequent (blog posts here, you can subscribe via RSS or e-mail). But for infrequent updates, I’ve usually just had to cobble together whatever e-mail addresses I have lying around and send out an update. It’s usually haphazard, it takes me forever, I get lots of failed addresses and its borderline spam (literally: I have to use my Gmail account because my provider won’t let me send a mass e-mail to that many people). So I thought for those rare times when I need to update the folks who don’t follow my updates religiously (so everyone but my wife and mom), I need a better system. Hence, my own e-mail newsletter. Wacky, I know. Plus it’s powered by MailChimp, so it’s got that going for it.

I’m hoping to put a little more creativity into this e-mail so it’s not just another medium to blast updates. I’d like to call it something better than “e-mail newsletter,” but so far setting it up has sapped my time and not left me with much creativity. But we’ll get there.

And what are these crazy projects I’m working on that I need to infrequently spread the word about? Oh, you’ll see. You’ll see. (But only if you subscribe, so you better do that.)

2 thoughts on “I Have an E-mail Newsletter?”

  1. On the subscription page, you might want to state something about your privacy policy (e.g., you won’t sell or give away our info).

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