Juno: Can You Do a Funny Movie About Adoption?

From Minnesota–the adoption state–comes stripper-turned-screenwriter Diablo Cody and her debut movie, Juno, about a teenage girl who gets pregnant and decides to place her child for adoption (notice a theme?). It’s got Rainn Wilson, Michael Cera and some other folks (somebody named Jennifer Garner?), and the trailer is funny.

Which is often a sign of sure disappointment with the movie itself, so relish these great lines from the trailer in case the movie sucks:

Juno (pregnant teen): “If I could just have the thing and give it to you now, I totally would. But I’m guessing it looks, probably like a sea monkey right now, and I should let it get a little cuter. ”

Vanessa (potential adoptive mother): “Your parents are probably wondering where you are.”
Juno: “Nah… I mean I’m already pregnant, so what other kind of shenanigans could I get into?”

But personally, I’ve got high hopes. While the offensive factor is pretty high, adoption humor is a vast untapped reserve of comedy. And as Joshua Cody pointed out yesterday, it’s nice to see adoption modeled as an alternative to abortion.

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