If Jason Kottke is doing it, why can’t I? Here’s my 2005 in cities (one or more nights spent in each city, cities marked with an * were visited multiple times in non-consecutive days):
St. Paul, Minn.*
Los Angeles*
San Diego
Wilmar, Minn.
Cleveland, Ohio
Mason, Wisc.
Green Bay, Wisc.*
Great Bend, Kans.
Not nearly as exciting as you might think. (Can you tell I’m sitting around with the laptop tonight? Sheesh)
I predict your child will be born tonight.
I’ve been right about these sorts of things before.
Hope your bags are packed! Let me know if I’m right … or wrong. :)
That should have said will be born Jan. 12. I got a little sidetracked by wrestling dogs. Anyway, good luck either way.
…. :)