You can play Billy Graham’s Bible Blaster over on the Simpsons’ site. Just go to the Rod Flanders folder.
I’m torn here. I could show this to all sorts of Apple people, and the iPod makers would see it (if they haven’t already) but I’m worried about Apple Legal getting involved. They sometimes get really touchy about this, so I don’t know if I should say anything at all. ;-)
George Beverly Shea ROCKS!
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A work-at-home dad wrestles with faith, social justice & story.
You can play Billy Graham’s Bible Blaster over on the Simpsons’ site. Just go to the Rod Flanders folder.
I’m torn here. I could show this to all sorts of Apple people, and the iPod makers would see it (if they haven’t already) but I’m worried about Apple Legal getting involved. They sometimes get really touchy about this, so I don’t know if I should say anything at all. ;-)
George Beverly Shea ROCKS!