It’s the end of ’02, and once again it’s time to see the list of everything Kevin’s read this year. Now I don’t do this to gloat (okay, I do), but to recommend some good books. Writing is about reading, so I read. And if you don’t know by now, I read this much by riding the bus. Mmm… bus. I’m also proud to say that I beat last year’s tally. Of course it probably helps that I read a number of kid’s books. But hey, they’re still books.
So without further yacking, Kevin’s 2002 Reading List:
Ophelia Speaks by Sara Shandler
Teenage girls write about their experiences. Not exactly happy reading.
All New People by Anne Lamott
Fiction from one of my favorites, though not her best.
Enter the Worship Circle by Ben Pasley
Excellent introduction to God, very post-modern approach.
Strength to Love by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection of sermons, essays, and just smart stuff.
The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls by Joan Jacob Brumberg
An interesting look at the history of how we view the female body.
The Jesus Generation by Billy Graham
Billy “raps” with the kids to get them to “turn on” to Jesus.
On Writing by Stephen King
Unique insights on writing from the master of horror.
Big Trouble by Dave Barry
Pretty funny novel for a columnist.
The Stand by Stephen King
OK, I had to read some Stephen King. And it was really good.
The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey
This is a must-read.
When Bad Christians Happen to Good People by Dave Burchett
Medicine for those who’ve had bad experiences with Christianity.
What’s so Amazing About Grace by Philip Yancey
Another must-read. Bono even recommends it.
Babyhood by Paul Reiser
A fairly humorous look at parenthood. Yikes.
Open Heart by Frederick Buechner
Another in the book of Bebb series. Great character development.
Just Like Jesus by Max Lucado
Read it so I could be justified in ripping on Lucado. Consider me justified.
There’s A Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom by Louis Sachar
Sachar is the best when you need some light kid’s reading.
James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
Of course Dahl is pretty good, too.
The BFG by Roald Dahl
So why not read him twice?
The Gospel According to the Son by Norman Mailer
Interesting look at Jesus.
Sixth Grade Secrets by Louis Sachar
Once you start with Sachar you have to read some more.
Redesigning the American Lawn
Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to mow the lawn?
Rebel With a Cause by Franklin Graham
The story of Billy Graham’s eldest son.
Downers Grove by Michael Hornburg
I’ve been reading this in the bookstore for months and finally got my own copy. Not bad.
The Umbrella Man and Other Stories by Roald Dahl
Short stories for adults, some fairly dark.
Flint by Louis L’amour
Ah, nothing like a western.
The Quick and the Dead by Louis L’amour
And then some more.
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (didn’t finish)
Started out interested, but then he lost me.
A Live Coal in the Sea by Madeliene L’Engle
Excellent novel for adults.
The Memory of Old Jack by Wendell Berry
Berry is so good at doing characters.
Just As I Am by Billy Graham
The details in this are amazing.
Dakota by Kathleen Norris
Good reading after you’ve been through South Dakota. Pitters out at the end.
Walking on Water by Madeliene L’Engle
I should re-read this every year.
A Wind in the Door by Madeliene L’Engle
Her children’s books are so engaging.
S. by John Updike
Had to read some Updike. Amazing writing.
Speaking with the Angel by various, edited by Nick Hornby
Interesting [and lewd] short stories
I Am Relevant by various
Very inspiring book.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Freaky considering the cloning news lately.
The Name by Franklin Graham
Not exactly Pulitzer material here.
Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt
Great story, better than the movie.
Teaching a Stone to Talk by Annie Dillard
Good essays from the modern legend.
A Sort of Life by Graham Greene
A pretty dull autobiography that ends before his life gets interesting.
The Power of Positive Thinking for Teens by Mary Lou Carney
The selling power of drivel.
Among School Children by Tracy Kidder
Proof that teachers should be paid like doctors.
The Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver
She keeps getting better and better.
Ordinary Resurrections by Jonathan Kozol
This just makes you angry.
Soul Survivor by Philip Yancey
Introductions to the people who inspired Yancey.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Excellent autobiography, but it ends too suddenly.
Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare
Now I remember why I don’t like Shakespeare.
Walk On by Steve Stockman
Read it again in preparation for an article, underlined for myself.
Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien
Saw Two Towers, couldn’t remember how it all ended.