Pizza Hut Billboard on the Moon

I saw this article on the other day. It was about how Pizza Hut was trying to come up with a new ad campaign. Something out of this world, I guess you could say. This artist’s drawing is what they came up with. They’re paying Russia $2.5 million to let them plaster the logo on the side of a Russian Proton rocket that will carry the next piece of the International Space Station into orbit. I find it rather humorous that space ships are beginning to resemble race cars. But what I found even more ludicrous about the article, was Pizza Hut’s original plan: carve their logo in the moon. I seem to remember that being the plan of a super villain in a cartoon. Considering the hundreds of millions of dollars it would cost to burn a Pizza Hut billboard the size of Texas into the moon, they decided to go for the rocket. I just can’t believe someone would consider defacing space like that. Space. Of all things. Next thing you know the solar eclipse will be sponsored by Visa, and you can’t see it unless you’re using Visa, cuz it’s everywhere you want to be. Ah, the joys of a consumer based society.

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