Celebrating our Independence

July 4, 1776. The shackles of tyranny are cast off, and what would someday be called the greatest nation on the face of the earth took its first few feeble steps. Today, 223 years later, that nation is still taking its feeble steps, and you have to wonder if they’re not feebly drunk.

“…the bombs bursting in air and the rocket’s red glare, gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there. Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave?”

To celebrate our independence we light up the night sky with explosions, and the echoing booms can be heard miles away. In other countries when explosions shatter the silence, the citizens bury their heads in their knees and pray. In America, the land of the free and home of the brave, we raise a sweaty beer can to the sky and let out a drunken cheer. Men and women have fought and died for this country, to preserve the freedoms and liberties that we hold so dear. And what have we done with that freedom? We’ve chased the American Dream to the ends of the horizon. We’ve filled our homes with toys and bowed to the almighty dollar. Is this what our soldiers have fought and died for? Are we really the greatest nation on earth? I watched Saving Private Ryan on Friday night, and the dying soldier demanded that his comrade “earn this.” Earn the sacrifice we’ve made for you. “Have I lived a good life?” the elderly comrade asked as he stood weeping above the dead soldier’s grave. “Have I earned this?” I think that’s a question we should all ask ourselves.

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